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Sabotage Part 3: Grades

Grades are a big part of college life. You need a minimum GPA to stay enrolled in a college or university, to be able to transfer schools, to enroll in specialty programs (nursing, physical therapy school, graduate school, etc.), and you definitely need a minimum GPA to keep your parents happy if they’re helping foot the bill for college. So if there’s something you might consider not sabotaging, grades are a good place to start. Earning grades is a tough, long process, but sabotaging your grades is a quick and easy task from which recovery can be difficult if not impossible.

Sabotaging your grades can show up in many forms. But let’s start by taking a look at your priorities. Making your education a priority in your life is critical to your success as a student, however I strongly suggest that education is not your top priority. Your health and well-being should come first over anything else and when you think about it it makes complete sense – you can’t do your best work in school if you aren’t healthy and well. However, using health and wellness as an excuse to not do your best work in school will also not serve you. Taking a week off for a “mental health break” from school, whether you’re in a five-week or a fifteen-week semester, will never bring you success. In cases like this, I often refer students to academic advisors to re-evaluate whether they truly have the time and energy to be enrolled in school. One of my favorite excuses is the student who leaves at 8:00p.m. every class meeting (when the class normally lets out at 9:00p.m.) because they have to get to bed at a decent hour. When you sign up for classes, it’s a good idea to think these things through before enrolling in that 8:00a.m. class (that you may have a hard time waking up for) or that late-evening class (when you really just want to go home and end the day). Your priorities here do not include your education anywhere in the top five or ten, so it’s time to re-evaluate: rather than sabotage your standing, maybe you need some time off from school or just to stop enrolling in early morning or late night classes.

Lack of organization and preparedness is another way students often sabotage their grades. In coaching sessions, we talk about the need for organization to be able to do your best work:
·         Having a separate notebook/binder for each course makes materials easy to find and access, for example.

·         Do you find electronic notes or handwritten notes easier to take and work with? If you prefer electronic notes, keeping things organized on your computer is even simpler than keeping hand-written notes – and you have only to keep your laptop with you when going from class to class.
·         Printing out your own weekly schedule showing when (and where, if necessary) your classes are. This will not only give you a quick way to keep pace with your week, but you can easily share this with your family and friends.

Think about what your life would be like without proper organization: a clutter of papers, a confusion of scheduling throughout the week, the creation of conflicts between work and school, and a lack of preparation for big school events (tests, papers, projects). A lack or organization equates to a willing effort to sabotage your own efforts in school. Take control of this area of your life that is so simply reined in!

We talk a lot about this in individual coaching sessions, but if there is one thing that makes me sigh in disbelief it is when I hear a student say that they will purposefully do poorly on an exam or assignment to “show the teacher just how terrible they are at teaching”. Ugh. If you ever utter these words, may the gods of education strike you down and tattoo on your skin: “My grades are a reflection of the knowledge I have and am able to apply and nothing more” (or maybe something shorter if the gods are merciful). If you’re sabotaging your grades in hopes of retribution to an instructor you don’t enjoy, I should tell you: your grades have absolutely no bearing on the careers of your instructors. We use grades to assess how well students are understanding and able to apply concepts we teach and nothing more. Grades aren’t used to determine the ability of the instructor to teach or the future career success of any instructor. So do your best work as self-sabotage holds no weight here!

Students often form small groups that chat amongst themselves before and after class, which is wonderful! You should always be working together to share information and help each other – cooperative learning grows students! Something that doesn’t grow students: groups of students who get together and convince each other they are failures. I often hear groups of students saying things like: I’ll never pass one of these tests, I’m just not good at this subject, or I will never understand this topic. When you let yourself tell stories like this, you eventually come to believe them – and this is most certainly self-sabotage. These messages sabotage your confidence, your self-esteem, and your ability to learn. Don’t get sucked into group-think that sabotages you – and don’t let others around you participate in this type of group-think!

The final way I see students sabotaging their own grades is more passive, but certainly just as important. Students who need help and extra study and don’t seek that out are absolutely sabotaging their grades. Every college and university I have ever worked for offers free tutoring for students – if you need tutoring and you’re not taking advantage of this, shame on you! And don’t forget – you can always ask your instructor for extra help! Instructors have office hours and email and you can use both of those to ask questions and get answers! Be sure you’re asking specific questions so you get straight to the information and explanation you need.

While I hope you’re not a student who sabotages their grade, if you are there’s no time like the present to take action! Start small, with maybe one area in which you want to improve, and you can move up from there. Don’t expect perfection from yourself, but do expect your best work! I can’t wait to hear how you’re doing this spring!



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