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The Snail’s Pace of Mid-Semester

I mean.


Could the semester be any longer?

Has time slowed down?

Someone call an astrophysicist because I think something’s wrong with the axial rotation of the earth as well as the earth’s orbit around the sun.

If you find that mid-semester is the part of the marathon-that-is-college that completely drags you down, you’re not alone. Every semester, right around this time, I have the most student absences, unsubmitted papers, and dropouts. Seeing as every semester has a mid-semester slump, you can’t just quit after eight weeks every semester – time to make some plans and get some perspective!
The next two or three weeks are typically the hardest to make a success, so it’s critical that you focus – right this very minute – on what you need to do to be successful for the rest of the semester. Let’s take a look at a few highlights you will want to remember:

·         Repeat after me: you’re already past the halfway mark and it’s all downhill from here. Hopefully you’ve been planning your work and your big projects as the semester has gone on and you find yourself in the middle of a semester where, although you’re tired of the slog, you’re rolling right along with the game plan. If you haven’t been following your game plan, things are going to be tougher but definitely doable: start today, make a plan for success, follow it. If you need help, you know where to find me!

·         You’ve already done all the hard work. You’ve: gotten to know your instructor, gotten to know your classmates, made a plan for working assignments and studying into your life, been successful thus far… The rest is gravy!

·         Keep up with your brain reset activities! It
is so important to keep your brain stimulated with new and different things in regular life – and even more important while you’re in college! You know the mental fatigue that comes with studying and reading at the college level through the entirety of a semester. Make sure you’re keeping your brain in tip-top condition by giving it new vistas and new experiences!

You have all the tools you need to be successful – all that’s left is the follow-through. I can’t wait to hear how you’re making this semester a success! Congratulations in advance for having completed your best semester of college yet!


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